WHO Knows? Who Knows?

May 15, 2023

To everyone who sent their well wishes: Thank you!

Much appreciated, the encouraging words. More so, the simple act of sending a thoughtful message. Because it’s always easier moving on and doing nothing from viewing someone’s IG/FB story. Won’t be tagging people, but you know who you are.

I am better now (Camz and I both), but in case you forgot, COVID is still a thing.

The vaccines work, but it’s a struggle falling into it nonetheless: your nose will run like an unchecked faucet, then clog but only on one side, which makes it all the more annoying; your coughs will be as dry as a desert it’s like you’re choking on cacti; your head will throb for unbroken hours (10 hours for me); and your joints will feel as if rats were gnawing at them.

You blow your nose, you trigger a headache. You cough, you trigger a headache. You catch a glimpse of the sun by the corner of your eye, you trigger a headache. You’re so pissed you’ll want to punch a wall, but that, too, you know, will trigger a headache (and probably a hand ache too).

And did I mention you’d be catching your breath time and again as if you’re a paraplegic Usain Bolt racing against a bullet train?

Then there’s the everlasting feeling of fatigue and lost chances and unnecessary work leaves filed because of an ill-timed monkey wrench thrown in your carefully charted social calendar.

So mask up, people. And put your portable alcohol to use. Better safe and sensitive of others than sorry.

The WHO determined COVID is no longer a public health emergency of international concern. Sure. Still a concern, though. A real and serious one, locally speaking.

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